Sunday, January 9, 2011

the inappropriate wife chronicles.


maybe that should be the new name of my blog? it seems to accurately wrap up who I am. I am trying to figure out how to get the video of my new house from my husbands phone to the computer. its too large to email, to send to my phone, and to upload to facebook. Still working on it. As soon as it works, I will post it here! :) Excitement, excitement. We are painting, getting new carpet and new appliances. Then we will move in! I can't wait til this is ALL OVER and we are just living our semi-normal lives and having our inappropriate conversations in our very own house. Wow, does this make me an adult? Does this mean I have to grow up? Does THAT mean I have to be mature? buuugh. what a dirty word.

....Earlier today.....

We were walking to the car, in the snow (i HATE snow, it annoys me. I feel like its constantly patronizing me. stupid snow.) Anyway, every time I leave the house, snow seems to be the one thing that immediately puts me in a bad mood. dang utah weather. (lets just say this is the "clean" non-vulgar perspective that I have on this snow subject. I would usually have to use a lot of symbols, black outs or bleeps to explain... but I digress.)

so here it goes.

Me: "I'm freezing my balls off!"

Him: ".....I wish you didn't have balls."

Recently, I have been obsessed with the well being of my nonexistent Juevos.
Hasn't everyone had this conversation before?


1 comment:

  1. I think it is a perfect name for your blog. You always crack me up. I feel the same way about snow. That is why we live in CA.
