Tuesday, December 15, 2009


its a wreath!


To see her full tutorial and other ideas check out her site:



I have been watching a lot of TLC & following many crafty blogs. FURTHERMORE- I really want to start collecting these finials to create a beautiful Christmas Mantle.


Now I guess I should collecting a mantle, a fireplace.... well I guess finials should be the last thing on my mind but aren't they pretty?


I have been DYING... LITERALLY (hehe refer to my earlier post about things that bug me..) to try my hand at making these amazing stockings for christmas.


AWESOME! I'm gonna make a quick trip to the D.I. pick up a cheap old sweater and chop it up and make it into something wonderful! I REALLY wish I would have seen this blog before I bought my cute-but-not-as-amazing-as-handmade stockings for $2.50 ea. @ target. OH WELL. At least I have enough time til next christmas to perfect them! Take your time making your way through her blog... she has a LOT of great projects! =) She definitely has a blog worth following!!



Somehow through my click-click-clicking i made my way to this awesome site.


My favorite is the "J" double rocker... but i also REALLY like the G Oval Rocker! Oh the possibilities. If I get some I would definitely have to UP my standards of living. I think they are way to classy for my house. I really like the bohemian feel of them. AWESOME.
They also make dishes and a GORGEOUS Bird Feeder! Check them out!!


Monday, December 14, 2009


i've decided i want to buy a million Styrofoam balls to make a million ornaments for my christmas tree! But they're more expensive than i anticipated. sad sad =( i guess i'll wait til theyre on sale or sumfin. ho hum.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Leelou Swag

LOVE THIS BLOG. I check it daily & SO SHOULD YOU. They are doing giveaways with whippy cake (ANOTHER awesome blog). Check it out and try your chances at winning!!

p.s. Christmas tree officially up. I paid $1.50 for my tree stand at D.I.! I'm amazing, I know. oh stop!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

just a quick note.

to all those skinny/fit girls who dont have to do a DANG thang to stay that way.

i hate you.


I officially want the "Insanity" workout DVDs. they are definitely my cup o tea.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

nipple, say what?

{While I was on Facebook, I saw a really cute baby with dimples...}

Danielle: "Babe, do you have dimples?"
Brady: "No."

*after a few seconds of silence*

Danielle: "Do you think there's a chance our kids will have nipples?"

Oh Danielle says the darndest things...Here's hopin' our kids have nipples...and dimples. haha

Friday, November 6, 2009

my explanation..

my whole life i have had to defend myself and why i don't do certain things. my argument has always been, "i learn from others mistakes" I would get responses that people wanted to try things for themselves. why? why run into the wall, or fall off the cliff if you have seen the consequences. anyway, the answer finally came in the form of a status on facebook.

"You should profit from the mistakes of others ~ You don't live long enough to make them all yourself."

YES! finally, facebook is good for something.

what reality tv has taught me.

I was thinking about it the other day - I read all these comments people leave, and say on my much-loved reality tv shows and wonder WHAT school these people have attended. What makes you say the things you do? Who do you think you are? Anyway... here's a guide on how to annoy people. Say all of these things, & for the brave of heart, try them all in one conversation!

"congratulations! you're gonna love married life" -1) from a person married 32 seconds before you. you have as much experience as me. get over yourself. 2) you are not > than me. =) 3) DUH thats why I did it!

"no offense, but..." - from anyone. seriously!? This is my NUMBER ONE most hated. It has always bugged me and will always bug me. "No offense but.. I am about to say something offensive right....NOW!"
I found this from another blog: funny and true! When you use this statement you are either:
1. Saying something derogatory and refusing to take the blame;
2. Trying to help by saying something derogatory;
3. A self-righteous fool.

"I have completely changed. I did a complete 360." - "Ya! I can tell! You're still an idiot."

& some extra ones just for "funsies"! (haha I'm sure that word is on someone else's list!)

"I'm Just Sayin'" - ..srsly? great argument. you win!

"whatever" - "Ok you angst-ridden teen, you! Slam your face into my fist."

"you know, it is what it is!" - oh but IS IT!?

"woman" - hey! Don't you call me that!! haha I know I am one, but it just bugs the crap out of me to hear, "hey woman! Come here!" chea right. get a life sucka.

I totally agree with Angela on this - When people stop in front of you as you are IN MOTION! esp. annoying at theme parks and on the street. sttuuuupid.

"thats ironic" - sub. by helena. people OBVIOUSLY don't know what irony is.

"literally" - "i literally DIED last night", no you didn't, but you're LITERALLY a pro at exaggeration. I'm pretty sure this word has been taken OUT of the dictionary because it LITERALLY has no meaning anymore.

I know, I'm a delightful human being =) Maybe its the "crazy pills" I have been taking.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

all hallows eve.

haha I just like saying that.... "all hallows eve" (in a dark evil witchy voice) muahahaha!

A few days before we carved pumpy-kins.

My adorable niece. =)

Cheryl absolutely LOVED carving pumpkins as you can see...especially the part where you gut them! (and Aris in the background being sneaky - probably hiding all of her rice crispies. haha)

For Halloween night we went over to Brady's family's house to hang out =) Brady looked extra smashing in his costume!

HAHAHHAHAH. i couldn't stop laughing
...that RIDICULOUS mustache.

Cheryl & Colby

Ashlee & Clint(oneus)
(yes, that's his real name. Don't make fun of him!)

Aris & Grandma

Last but absolutely NOT least - My favorite part of halloween:


holy guac. i look horrible...

....i mean it took me HOURS to look this nerdy!

Garden Gnomes LOVE Nerdy Uncles =)


bathroom organization.

When you have a LOT of bathroom stuff and very little space, you have to get creative and that is exactly what i have been doing. I have a drawer dedicated to headbands and hair stuff and a box dedicated to hair clips but why hide all my goodies when i can display them on my empty walls?? PLUS it will give me an extra drawer and box to put my drugs in! you know, nyquil, pepto, ibuprofen, the essentials. :) haha So I have made a lot of flower clips and bows and have collected lots of headbands...tonight i decided enough was enough!! I'm making a clip organizer! Here's what came of it.

First, this is the headband organizer. A lot of organizers were ones that took up counter space, and I just plain don't have that kind of space! So, i took the basic idea of a cylinder and hung it up on the wall. Since I didn't have money to spend, I looked around the house for what I had.. I grabbed a partially used paper towel roll (which magically was the perfect size for headbands) covered it in some black corduroy fabric I had from last years halloween costume with hot glue. Then I just used some green ribbon, tied it around the roll and hung it up. This isn't my favorite project but hey, it got the job done. I'll probably look at it for a couple days then make some adjustments to the design.

My bow holder was SUUUPER easy to do. I had a really hard piece of 12 X 12 cardboard that was really giving me a headache b/c I kept trying to throw it away but it kept reappearing! Good thing it never left! I used some of my scrapbook paper and ribbon I had lying around and covered the cardboard piece with it. I used 4 pieces of ribbon across it thinking that would be enough, but it wasn't so I just added a couple small pieces on the botton for the extra ones I had. I folded the ribbon in half so the bows wouldn't slide off. I love it! Its like art for my wall!

Let me know if i was a little bit too tired to be creative or if I should do more crafty things late at night! haha I have decided to re-do my lamp. The paper I chose was a little too... "exotic" for my taste. But that's the beauty of modge podge. you can always cover it again! haha Anyway, hang tight for pics of that future project.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

the speed limit..

last night was probably the ONLY time I was truly grateful that I went the speed limit. I was driving home from Payson at about 1:30 in the morning. During that drive the speed limit changes about 5 times from 75 to 65 to 55 to 65 to 55... its stupid. Anyway, ever since I got my ticket a while back I have been determined to just go the speed limit... making me the SLOWEST PERSON ON THE ROAD!! Everyone is always whizzing past me and when i say whizzing i mean... SMOKING ME! I even wanted to call the police and have them put a patrol officer in the contstruction zone... but i didnt. Last night something subtly told me that i should go the exact speed limit, no 5 over rule that we all live by. So I did and JUST as i did i look off to my right and there is a patrol officer in his dark car off the side of the road blanketed in darkness. haha after that i was so happy! I was dancing and singing in my car... and dont ask me why! BUT what made me grateful was that the person that was behind me, gaining on me quickly throughout my drive got pulled over!!!!!!!! I know I shouldnt be happy from someone else's misfortune.. Let's just say I'm happy for the lesson they got to learn! =)
Anyway, go the speed limit. Don't text and drive, drink or drive, talk and drive, etc. haha JUST DRIVE.. as boring as it might be sometimes.

Monday, October 26, 2009


are getting ridiculous these days. We are right in the middle of a "Go Green" trend and receipts are getting longer and longer. Seriously?! Why isn't their a group out there advocating shorter receipts! I am not really sure why this bugs me so much but when I buy one thing and get a foot long receipt thats what I call insane. I think things are getting out of hand... Roberts & Albertson's ESPECIALLY need to calm DOWN on their paper usage.

We bought ONE thing and here is the receipt:

FREAKING RIDICULOUS! Who cares about stupid surveys!? No one does them anyway! (even if it does say you have a chance of winning $1000!) and there's a HUGE waste of space on the paper that says "PAID". WHY!? Not to mention there is about a good 4 inches of receipt that is BLANK! Super stupid. Has anyone heard of using both sides of the paper?! and who needs to return their "season all" anyway? The end. I feel much better now. =)

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

modge podge rocks

sooo true! modge podge is amazing! it makes eye sores amazing! it reinvents the ugly. =) i found this great blog - modgepodgerocks.blogspot.com and i love it. so much so that i have asked my dear husband for a palm sander for my birthday, for christmas... i just want one!!! i have many things i want to spice up with fabric and paper. its amazing what a little love & modge podge can do! i re-vamped my lamp, pictures to come.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

what matters most

never let a problem to be solved become more important than a person to be loved.
-president monson.

to the people that i do not tell enough - i love you, i pray for you and i think about you always.

Monday, October 12, 2009

My first update :)

I don't like to "follow the crowd" when it comes to things like blogging & twitter but here I go. Hopefully I can keep up a blog!

Life hasn't changed much since we've gotten married other than I have to share a bed & apartment (but not blankets!). I recently found out the degree to which I hate doing dishes and would rather clean the toilet then do them. I really hate not having a dishwasher :( You have to wash the same dish a million times... But its all part of being newlyweds.. at least thats what I keep telling myself!
I'm glad we were able to find a place to live and even if its not perfect ( & far from it) I'm glad I have it because it humbles me and makes me want to work even harder to be able to buy a house. But first things first - i need a job! I have been looking for a job for a month now (seems like an eternity) but haven't gotten much of anything but a phone interview for a job with crappy hours & pay... I know.. why did I even apply, right? I've applied at a bank, at a scrapbook company and at Costco. I was going to apply at NuSkin today but the position was no longer available :( sad because I think I would have really enjoyed that job.

I went to my ward for the first time yesterday and I think I'll really enjoy it there. I'm being optimistic because I really haven't met one person yet but we will see how it goes. It was kind of disheartening at first (because I let myself be disheartened) when I walked into RS searching for a seat. Seeing tons of empty seats but every single one of them could have been saved for someone. I kept looking for a friendly smile or finger point but nothing. After a few minutes I finally had to just ask if a seat was available. This turned out to be a good seat choice because the lady next to me had a cute little boy (a total cheese) who was always grinning and playing with me. The mom was fun too. Hopefully we will get to know each other.. but this reminds me, I didn't get her name or ANYTHING. I'm pretty sure I only made eye contact with her a few times so who knows if I'll remember what she looks like. haha darn.

Anyway, Brady is still working nights at the hostpital and its really hard but getting easier.. if possible. I think last night was the only night where I didn't feel extremely lonely or scared. I usually sleep with the light & TV on until I fall asleep, but last night I turned off the lights (BIG STEP) and turned the TV on sleep timer. So at least for me its getting easier. =)
and the biggest news of all.... dum dum DUM! I'm finally caught up on Grey's Anatomy. =) YAY for me. haha

So if anyone knows of a decent paying job in the provo area, PLEASE let me know.