Saturday, October 31, 2009

the speed limit..

last night was probably the ONLY time I was truly grateful that I went the speed limit. I was driving home from Payson at about 1:30 in the morning. During that drive the speed limit changes about 5 times from 75 to 65 to 55 to 65 to 55... its stupid. Anyway, ever since I got my ticket a while back I have been determined to just go the speed limit... making me the SLOWEST PERSON ON THE ROAD!! Everyone is always whizzing past me and when i say whizzing i mean... SMOKING ME! I even wanted to call the police and have them put a patrol officer in the contstruction zone... but i didnt. Last night something subtly told me that i should go the exact speed limit, no 5 over rule that we all live by. So I did and JUST as i did i look off to my right and there is a patrol officer in his dark car off the side of the road blanketed in darkness. haha after that i was so happy! I was dancing and singing in my car... and dont ask me why! BUT what made me grateful was that the person that was behind me, gaining on me quickly throughout my drive got pulled over!!!!!!!! I know I shouldnt be happy from someone else's misfortune.. Let's just say I'm happy for the lesson they got to learn! =)
Anyway, go the speed limit. Don't text and drive, drink or drive, talk and drive, etc. haha JUST DRIVE.. as boring as it might be sometimes.

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