Wednesday, May 4, 2011

sometimes you write a blog you never post.

today i did that. Actually, it was about 5 seconds ago....

i cant post it.

i just write down a whole bunch of my feelings and anger and imperfections and very personal revealing details about how crappy of a person I am or could be but how I am not crappier than certain people that I want to beat within an inch of their life..... but. no.

wont post it. just saved it and will never post it. I might delete it when i get over it... that would be good therapy.

maybe its my job, where I deal with people who were incarcerated for murder, sexual abuse, rape, child abuse.... people who used crack, meth, alcohol and mj while pregnant with one of God's blessed gifts.... I could blame my job, sure.

This post is just to tell you I'm bothered and I wont tell you why.




  1. it's probably good that you don't post it...I usually post mine and end up offending someone. lol

  2. I post mine then delete it 5 minutes later and hope that no one saw it... our job is tough (I almost just spelled that tuff.. wow), but you do a really good job at it.
