Sunday, March 28, 2010

you've got personality

so. there is one thing i don't like about myself.

its my weight.


i have been watching a lot of reality tv.
people are TORN up about their weight.
& have so many underlying problems & daddy issues.

i am so blessed i dont have those on TOP of being overweight.

i'm just chubbity.

i can lose weight.


here are some things that if you don't have, you just won't have:


I have the latter, now to work on the weight - then I'll be perfect!



it also helps my self-esteem knowing that in another culture being pasty white and chubbity is HOT & SEXY!



Tuesday, March 16, 2010

baby hats giveaway!!

Let me start this post by saying - no, I'm not pregnant! Geeze. It's like when you're dating someone its always "are you engaged? are you engaged? when are you getting engaged!?" Now its all "are you pregnant? are you pregnant? when are you getting pregnant?!" holy. crap. leave. me. the. BALSKD. alone. THX.

With that said.. I collect baby clothes/things. Ever since i was like 12 I have... so its only weird now.. not so much then. haha

A baby giveaway from Life in the Pitts!!

ADORABLE hats from Ballet Shoes and Yarn Hooks and Books!! CH-CH-CH-CHECK EM OUT and enter her giveaway! It's free people! Don't be lazy. :)


Monday, March 15, 2010

bathroom lovin

So I have been going STIR crazy and hating the whole "style" of this place i live... I've decided that it's up to me what it looks like, so I've decided to get Jiggy wid it. I made curtains, had some great thrift finds that i re-purposed, and made a new bow holder because mine, sadly, had fallen to pieces.

The Bow Holder:

I had some colored bamboo sticks lying around that were being nothing but a headache for me. I had nowhere to put them & no idea what to do with them.. I just kept moving them from one home to another hoping that someday I would magically find the perfect spot. Anyway, I had the BRILLIANT idea to make a bow holder from two of the sticks. It wasn't easy, but it was fun :) I decided to separate the pinks from the reds and give them a little love. =) My bathroom colors are dark yellow, red, black and white..

  • Two Bamboo Sticks
  • Ribbon
  • Glue Gun
  • Flower Clips
  • A Blind eye to the fuzz on my carpet

Cut a bunch of ribbon, decide how tall you want the holder

Glue the ribbon onto the bamboo flat

tie a knot at the end. make sure when you are gluing them on you glue them the opposite direction of how you want them facing. after you tie the ribbon, the direction changes.

Finished product

Here are the rest of my bathroom improvements so far:

Homemade curtains, and my "Loo" sign that I found at the DI for a buck! I just changed out the ribbon to match my bathroom - the one it had was DINGY! (i love those Cheer commercials)

The next project I'm undertaking is a yellow shelf right over the top of the bow holder. DEEP BREATH! lets see how that one goes.. =/

Found that plate at a garage sale for $.25 and I tied the other two bamboo sticks with extra ribbon. Paired it with my scented oil candle...a must have in a bathroom. haha

If you have any ideas for me, let me know. This bathroom is hard because it is extremely tiny and is a laundry room/bathroom. Did I mention its TINY?


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

you go boy.

Today one of my friends was detained by campus police because he was open-carrying his gun with a concealed carry permit. No laws were broken. Please read and watch the links below. Our rights are slowing being torn away from us.
Take note: when dealing with law enforcement, recording is a great idea. Caught these campus cops trying to enforce their opinion and the "what ifs" not the what IS. Should we shut up, obey and move on with our life or stand up for our rights?

"Thanks Danielle ;-) (I've never tried to "bait" cops or anything of the sort, it is just a lot more comfortable to open carry, quietly.) I've been open carrying there for three semesters with no problems until Friday...
Did you see page 4 where I posted my letter to the chief of police? After I got his blatant disregard for Utah state law as a response, I finally told Fox 13 I'd do an interview. " - Nick Moyes

The News Portion:

the whole story:

the live discussion:



Sunday, March 7, 2010


She makes amazing camera strap covers! I love these, and never thought about spicing up my camera before, but now its all i can think about!

i want:

with padding and the lens cap pocket.

check her out!!! THESE ARE BOMB DIG.